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We are requesting your consent to use content you posted (“Your Post”). If you respond, you are accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions in this Consent and Release. This is a legally binding contract between you and Wolverine World Wide, Inc.
By responding, you grant to Wolverine World Wide, Inc., its related companies and brands, including Cat Footwear, and anyone acting under its permission (referred to collectively as “Wolverine”), the worldwide, perpetual right to use Your Post to advertise and promote Wolverine in any form or media. You understand and agree that Wolverine may make edits and changes in, and derivative works from, Your Post and you will not have any opportunity to review or approve, or any right to use, these edits, changes and derivatives. You understand and agree that you have not been promised, and Wolverine will not provide you with, any compensation or consideration for this Consent and Release and use of Your Post.
You agree and represent that:
(1) you are 18 years of age or older;
(2) you have all rights necessary to give this Consent and Release and allow Wolverine to use Your Post, including the rights in anything that appears in Your Post, such as other people, artwork, the location, etc.; and
(3) this Consent and Release and Wolverine’s use of Your Post will not violate any agreement you have with anyone else or the intellectual property or other rights of anyone else.
You understand that Wolverine will rely on this Consent and Release at potentially substantial cost to Wolverine, and you agree not to bring any claim against Wolverine for Wolverine’s use of Your Post as allowed in this Consent and Release. You expressly agree to indemnify Wolverine regarding any liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by Wolverine from any third party claims arising out of Your Post. This Consent and Release is governed by Michigan law.